The Entrepreneurial Mission : Exclusive Interview with Mr. Keenan Pearce
BL : Business Lounge
KP : Keenan Pearce
BL : Apa tema dari Jakarta Euphoria Project ?
KP : Tema dari Jakarta Euphoria Project ini; yang kita offer adalah life style, cara kita to send the message is… adalah through the event itself, jadi memang kita menyediakan platform untuk beberapa brand-brand, yang hanya ada 2 kategori:
Satu, adalah brand-brand yang sudah mempunyai platform yang kuat, yang mempunyai organization of structureyang kuat, business development yang kuat dan branding yang kuat, brand-brand yang sudah mempunyai market, itu adalah kategori pertama kita.
Yang kedua, based on our marketing research, yang kita pilih adalah brand-brand mereka yang baru muncul disurface, kita sediakan panggung nya, platformnya, karena kita melihat mereka punya potential tapi mereka belum punya market. Platform ini yang kita sediakan, Jadi untuk tema dari event Jakarta Euphoria Project itu sendiri adalah adalah urban culture life style, in the most fashionable artistic unique way.
BL : Talking about urban life style, sebenarnya sudah banyak sekali , tapi what makes JEP more special than the other ?
KP : It’s all about packaging, urban lifestyle ini bisa di-direct ke mana-mana, di sini kita betul-betul fokus di segmen itu, kita fokus di 2 segmen, yang menurut kami me-represent urban culture itu sendiri, yaitu fashion dan art, we mixed those two in a very progressive way. Jadi kita tidak bisa menjelaskan in details because basically we are expecting you to come and join the euphoria so you actually see what I am trying to say in a visual way.
“Platform ini yang kita sediakan, Jadi untuk tema dari event Jakarta Euphoria Project itu sendiri adalah adalah urban culture life style, in the most fashionable artistic unique way.”
BL : Are you trying to create a new definition of urban lifestyle through this event?
KP : Trying to create something new is not actually what we aim, we’re trying to create a platform that educate people to know more about fashion and art. That’s why ini bukan sekedar event, ini adalah event where people can actually mingle , have fun, where people can actually buy good product, and of course the most important part is the business itself. Jadi dari brand selling point mereka, kemudian future prospect setelah event ini, itu juga kita pikirkan. Jadi akan ada sangat banyak business development ini di Jakarta Euphoria Project itu sendiri. Hanya untuk awal kita berusaha memperkenalkan Euphoria Project itu sendiri dengan packaging event.
BL : Can I ask a little bit about your business prospect?
KP : Jadi di sini yang ingin kita angkat bukan nama Jakarta Euphoria Project tapi semua participant, semua yangactually sudah terjun ke acara ini, ini yang ingin kita angkat. Jadi basically it’s not about products, it’s about introducing entrepreneurial experience dari segi brand-nya sendiri dan visitor. Jadi di sini kita akan conduct beberapa interview dengan brand, nanti mereka bisa menjelaskan business model mereka, what it takes to make a strong brand. Jadi dari situ education about business, about entrepreneurship, itu kita introduce juga di event ini. It’s not all about having fun, mingle, shopping, tapi in the business prospective , itu akan kita sediakan.
BL : Segmen pasar apa yang akan dituju?
KP : Demographically, market di umur 19-35 tahun, but in term of life style target market kita adalah fashion enthusiast dan fashion buyer, people who actually care about fashion, people who actually care about what they wear. Beside that kita akan ambil market-market use yang fungsinya satu, untuk selling , of course. But on the other side adalah to educate them that Jakarta or Indonesia, kita harus start menjadi instead of being fashion followers, kenapa kita tidak menjadi fashion trendsetters. That is what I am trying to expose, we should express more about yourself. Jadi fashion is not something that you watch on TV, fashion is not something that you read on the magazine, fashion is something that is your statement of who you are, that’s the point , itulah yang ingin kita encourage orang untuk datang, they dress up properly, bukan artinya mereka harus pakai suite, tie and tuxedo,
The point is we encourage people, we encourage the market to come and be themselves in terms of fashion. That’s the main point, the main idea.
BL : If you don’t mind me asking, bisakah anda memberi komentar dari segi profit orientation ?
KP : In any business, profit is … of course we need the profit to continue the business, but in a way we maximize all the capital that we have to execute all the ideas. Jadi kita tidak mau profit ini jadi boundaries untuk kita me-execute ideas kita, if we have to take down all the profits and execute them into the operational field we’re okay with that.
The point is we are not cutting profit for the sake of ourselves. We are trying to make a kick ass event, we have a very very big big picture for this event. Note this, this is very important, you should write it down, di event pertama ini , JEP sama sekali tidak ada back up financial, jadi because it’s very understandable, since this is our first event, untuk investor-investor dan sponsor, mereka belum punya benchmark apa sih yang kita buat. So we encourage them to come to join our event so they know what we’re trying to make. Our aim is there, first we’re going national and the next we’re aiming to go international for Jakarta Euphoria Project. But we need a very good financial backup, so please out there.. kalau ada investor yang would like to talk with us to brain storm about Euphoria Project, check our contact on our web and social media. We’re very open to that.
BL : Last question, how do you define a good entrepreneur?
KP : How I define a good entrepreneur? It’s a very good question. Basically what it takes to be a good entrepreneur is someone who is driven, they do whatever it takes to achieve those ideas, because ideas you can easily get anywhere, but to execute them… that’s the challenge. Jadi entrepreneur is not about creating ideas but entrepreneur is about creating ideas and execute them. Jadi kalau menurut saya pribadi, saya sebagai entrepreneur setiap saya gather ideas and then I think how to actually execute all those ideas into reality, karena banyak, semua orang punya potensi to become an entrepreneur, tapi problemnya adalah the execution, capital problem with resources. For me, a good and successful entrepreneur, they can overcome that situation. Execution is the main idea of entrepreneurship, idea alone is not enough.
“Basically what it takes to be a good entrepreneur is someone who is driven, they do whatever it takes to achieve those ideas, because ideas you can easily get anywhere, but to execute them… that’s the challenge.”
BL : Kalau misalnya let’s say, there’s an entrepreneur who doesn’t make much to drive a Lamborghini. But he got to do what he likes for the rest of his life. And I want to stressed out again that his business is not profitable much. Is that “success” ?
KP : Success is not about the gold, in my opinion success is something more different than that, it’s something about the happiness this part in your soul that I’m doing the right thing…
BL : So, success is something you feel in your soul, then ?
KP : Yeah… the Ferrari, the Lamborghini, the Penthouse, everything, that doesn’t define your success, success is something starts from the inside. Once you’re happy in the inside that is the real definition. Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives
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